In the heart of Pirovac lies Konoba Nono, a rustic tavern turned contemporary eatery, now under the dynamic stewardship of Krešimir Trošić and Ivan Maršanić. Their culinary ethos revolves around showcasing locally-sourced, expertly crafted ingredients, steering clear of trends they deem inauthentic. Despite their youthful age of 26, their culinary journey is rich with experience garnered from esteemed kitchens. Their dynamism has elevated the ‘new Nono’ into a sleek dining destination, offering an experience that marries tradition with innovation, all against a backdrop of modern elegance.
Continue reading “A Visit to Konoba Nono”Author: Deanna
A visit to Konoba Boba
Although the locality of Pirovac has bountiful options for cheap eats and rustic dining, Konoba Boba in nearby Murter provides a gourmet experience for travellers who wish to enjoy fine Dalmatian cuisine. Although an island, Murter is accessible to Villa Lava by car (15 minute journey), as it is connected to the mainline by a drawbridge. Murter is a bustling seaside community, rich with both sandy beaches and historical sites.
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